Reviews of Speceriet

Ledig en fredag, såklart man tar en lunchdejt med sambon på stan.
Vi gled in på Speceriet och det var nästintill fullt men vi fick två platser mitt i det längsta långbordet.
Kan ha sin charm att sitta vid långbord att äta, säkert en h...

Helt okej! Men om jag varit du hade jag sparat slantarna till Gastrologik istället.

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A lovely little back pocket! Here we sit various long tables that you are expected to share with others!

Be here for a couple dinner, highly recommended!

One of the people had booked a table and we were meeting by a super nice waitress who really had control! Could explain everyth...


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Unpretentious back pocket if delivers food in the same quality as big brother gastro logic. I have been here three times and have had very good experiences each time and very good food.


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Great food at great prices you get on Speceriet. What is negative is that you have to wait on tables, since it is not possible to book. Since I'm probably a bit too American to sit so tight at a long table with other companies. It's nice in a way, but I have a little difficulty with it at...

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Ate a couple of weeks ago lunch consisting of thick skirt. His colleague ate Pikeperch.
Dessert a fresh cheese cake with blackberries and lingonberries.
Very friendly and helpful staff. Excellent food.

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Was here yesterday and was very impressed. Great food and service. For a turbot-"fish & chips" for $ 220 and left extremely happy. The only thing that pulls down the grade to a four is the fact that it is not possible to reserve a table, and that it will have to wait in the very sm...