Review of Tennstopet – by Allan T.

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Had given 5 out of 5 if it wasn't for an incident I had there. Stood as usual and tried to find plank steak on the menu when I felt a stick in the right arm. Checked to the right to inspect said arm. Seeing that a dart arrow has buried in my biceps and I get a little confused. Had it always been there or had anyone put it there? Having perceived choked screams farther away in the bar, I was able to deducera that these two gentlemen had happened to spot me instead of the board. It did a little evil, I may say but the pain was blown away by the response from the lads. They invited me to beer and fernt, the staff took it freezing cold and as the pros they are, I got a small bowl of chilinötter as plaster on the wound. Think the bartender was called Daniel, he va a really fun type, real pros.

Go here if you want to look at yourself in a bautastor mirror! Try the fish.