Review of Cadierbaren – by Josefin J.


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Love to start the evening here with a glass of champagne or a cocktail. Luxurious environment, always lovely to step into the Grand Hotel. Also think that they have managed to step up with the drink list, most recently tested the trendy "bird drinkel" served in a cage. Very fun detail! Feels more modern than typically classic. For the drink, snacks are always served in the form of: chips, peanuts and a snack mix in silver bowls. Nice!

Although it is one of my favorite places, it does not get full pot due to the service which unfortunately is often like that, it can take a very long time both to order and get the bill, which is always frustrating. Most recently, it took longer than reasonable.. However, the venue and the feeling clearly outweigh this anyway. There are few equally beautiful places to have a drink!