Review of Designtorget Sergelgatan – by Agnes L.

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The least cozy Design square but has a large selection and is well suited for tourists.

Hanging around Sergels Torg is not one of my favourite activities, but sometimes I still have to. Nice then be able to slip into the brightly designed world and buy expensive lunch boxes with pink lid.

The range here is great, they have basically cheer Design Square's selection so you are on the lookout for something specific and have some time so it's here you should go. There are both Bajsboken, the designer owls, expensive cookbooks and Balla Hyllkombinationer.

Gift ideas are one of the different books available. Do you want to get cheaper away so buy coasters with nice patterns on or a tray.

The staff is fast and there is plenty of space. Hold tight in the bag, where there are many tourists there are also many pickpockets.

In short: A branch I like to avoid but is also a lifeline to really be able to buy a specific thing.