Review of MRKT Urban Deli Sveavägen – by Agnes L.

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I am the cleft to Urban Delis MRKT because I think it feels wacky to get food in a cardboard box with plastic lid when I will eat on site. What happened to take responsibility for the environment? If one ignores it, I still think it is an okay place with plenty of space, big minus that there are no changing tables in the toilet, how is it even possible 2018?

I only end up here when the planning is flawed. I remember a 24-hour celebration with a close friend where the Karatefyllan made us miss the hotel breakfast. Then we dragged ourselves here and drank coffee, Coca-Cola and a smoothie with trembling fingers. Want to remember that we had sunglasses on us indoors. Glorious times indeed.

Most recently it was because a meeting pulled out at the time, a baby wanted to breastfeed and the husband would start working about 45 minutes. Each salad and a Coca-Cola (why do I want Coca-Cola right here, must be something in the air) that we stress with a murmurings baby next door. We ate like salads with hard but tasty chickpea patties, crispy fresh vegetables, grilled root vegetables and two varieties of sauces-a green pea thing and a vegan soy jonnäs. Both were basically vegan but the husband chose it with feta cheese. Good and good! Also that satisfying that I could bring the rest home and eat for dinner, I love the restfest!

Why just okay? It is too noisy, the atmosphere is a bit too stressful, it has a long time before the disk is picked aside and I always feel that I disturb the staff when I'm going to order. Remember that this is my feeling, you think differently make sure to write a review you too!