Review of Nosh and Chow – by Mimmi S.

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Have so far only visited the place at the evening when the party has started and party people are in the day!

Has gone past the place several times and looks fantastic from outside! And inside they are as nice as I thought. You get the feeling of luxury, they are nice decor and it has those little extra. Feels like a perfect cocktail spot.

When I visited the place, then their klubbdel, it was extremely crowded, too much in my taste. You could not move at all and think they become too much and personally I do not have fun. They are a matter of taste so you are a person who likes or atleast do not have any problems with crowded printed with people so you would have enjoyed this! Were really good moves with music and party.
However, I and the friends did not even arrive at the bar because they were so full. So we drew unfortunately after 15-20 minutes.

But want more than happy back to the place before and try both the food, the drinks and feel the mood before they get too enlivened! Think the place had fallen to me more in taste then.