Review of Barabicu – by Adam L.

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I had a hard time deciding if I would give full pot or not. In Stockholm, where the range is clearly better Barabicu had probably stumbled at the finish line, but in Gothenburg, I offer a Fiver.

It's a great place with beautiful heart rate and friendly staff. One of the few things I had to say was förrätterna, where no one really attracted neither me or my company. So it was oysters, where you could choose between classic and deep fried. The latter sounds very exciting on paper, but in retrospect, I can say that classical is preferred. Can, however, be worthwhile to try a fried, just to have done so.

Among main courses I stuck as usual on meat list, which consisted of a handful of different options. Saw the burger in the open kitchen, it looked awesome, but the choice was still on a big entrecote on legs for two people. Really good was that, along with good Bearnaise sauce and great red wine sauce. Pommes looked very fine, but had not really that krispigheten as they would have liked though.

All in all a great place!

Listed in: Göteborg