The Araki

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Sushi restaurant
The Araki
no ratings

With just nine seats in the dining room plus a private dining space for six people, The Araki is small and intimate. There are two sittings each day at this minimalist restaurant. Only sushi is served here and you won't be offered a menu. Meals here are grand omakase tasting menus that show off the creativity of chef Marty Lau.

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What kind of food is served at The Araki?

We have categorised the cuisine at The Araki as:

  • Sushi
  • Japanese

What is the cost of dining at The Araki?

We have categorised The Araki in the price range High (££££).

Does The Araki serve sushi?

Yes, The Araki have sushi on their menu.

Is it expensive to eat at The Araki?

The Araki is in the high-end price range, so visitors can expect to pay more than at most other restaurants.

What is the atmosphere like at The Araki?

We would categorise the atmosphere at The Araki as cosy.

Where is The Araki?

The Araki is located at 12 New Burlington St, W1S 3BF, Mayfair. Nearby is Piccadilly Circus, London. Nearest Underground station is Oxford Circus (approximately 350m away).