Stein's Berlin Kensington

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German restaurant
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Unlike Stein’s Bavarian experiences in Richmond and Kingston, Stein’s Berlin trades in the relaxed beer garden for a more urban chalet-style setting in a Grade II listed townhouse. It still features a terrace with nice views, however, as well as authentic German beer and traditional specialties such as wursts and schnitzels.

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What is the cost of dining at Stein's Berlin Kensington?

We have categorised Stein's Berlin Kensington in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

What kind of food is served at Stein's Berlin Kensington?

We have categorised the cuisine at Stein's as:

  • German

Does Stein's Berlin Kensington serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Stein's.

What is the atmosphere like at Stein's Berlin Kensington?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Stein's Berlin Kensington as cosy.

Does Stein's Berlin Kensington have outdoor seating?

Yes, Stein's Berlin Kensington offers outdoor seating for guests to enjoy their dining experience outside.

Where is Stein's Berlin Kensington?

Stein's Berlin Kensington is located at 51 Exhibition Rd, SW7 2PG. Nearby is Royal Albert Hall, London. Nearest Underground station is South Kensington (approximately 700m away).