Kuro Eatery

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Kuro Eatery
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An expansion from the folks behind the neighbouring Kuro Coffee café, Kuro Eatery serves breakfast, lunch and dinner in a stylish minimalist space. The menu features flavourful inflections from around the world, with Mediterranean cuisine one of the main reference points. Expect dishes such as tagliatelle with smoked cheese, orzo pasta, Japanese potato salad, bream ceviche and more.

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What is the cost of dining at Kuro Eatery?

We have categorised Kuro Eatery in the price range Mid-range (£££).

What kind of food is served at Kuro Eatery?

We have categorised the cuisine at Kuro Eatery as:

  • Mediterranean

What is the atmosphere like at Kuro Eatery?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Kuro Eatery as cosy.

Can I bring my dog to Kuro Eatery?

Yes, Kuro Eatery is dog friendly, which means you can bring your dog.

Does Kuro Eatery serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Kuro Eatery.

Where is Kuro Eatery?

Kuro Eatery is located at 5 Hillgate St, W8 7SP, Kensington. Nearest Underground station is Notting Hill Gate (approximately 200m away).