Koyn Thai

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Thai restaurant
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A sister venue to Japanese restaurant Koyn in Mayfair, Koyn Thai is a collaboration with Bangkok-born chef Rose Chalalai-Singh. Nestled beneath the Japanese restaurant, this intimate space serves up homestyle Thai dishes, including small plates inspired by Chalalai-Singh's family recipes. Diners can expect mouthwatering regional dishes like homemade spicy pork sausage and crab curry.

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What kind of food is served at Koyn Thai?

We have categorised the cuisine at Koyn as:

  • Thai
  • Vegetarian

What is the cost of dining at Koyn Thai?

We have categorised Koyn Thai in the price range High (££££).

Does Koyn Thai serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Koyn.

Does Koyn Thai offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Koyn Thai has vegetarian dishes on their menu.

Is it expensive to eat at Koyn Thai?

Koyn is in the high-end price range, so visitors can expect to pay more than at most other restaurants.

Where is Koyn Thai?

Koyn Thai is located at 38 Grosvenor St, W1K 4EH, Mayfair. Nearby is Berkeley Square, London. Nearest Underground station is Bond Street (approximately 250m away).