Ino Gastrobar

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Greek restaurant
Ino Gastrobar
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Compared to its siblings, Marylebone’s Opso and the now-defunct two Michelin-starred Funky Gourmet in Athens, Ino Gastrobar is a more informal affair with exposed brick walls and snug counter seating. You can throw back fine Greek wines from a curated wine list, barrel-aged cocktails or craft beers while you wait for the Greek delicacies to be grilled over premium firewood.

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What kind of food is served at Ino Gastrobar?

We have categorised the cuisine at Ino Gastrobar as:

  • Greek

What is the cost of dining at Ino Gastrobar?

We have categorised Ino Gastrobar in the price range Mid-range (£££).

What is the atmosphere like at Ino Gastrobar?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Ino Gastrobar as cosy.

Does Ino Gastrobar serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Ino Gastrobar.

Where is Ino Gastrobar?

Ino Gastrobar is located at 4 Newburgh St, W1F 7RF, Soho. Nearby is Piccadilly Circus, London. Nearest Underground station is Oxford Circus (approximately 200m away).