Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market

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Indian restaurant
Takeaway restaurant
Gujarati Rasoi
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Mother and son duo Urvesh and Lalita opened their Indian venture during Diwali in 2005. They serve various vegetarian and vegan homemade Gujarati dishes, like hearty daals, homemade bhujia and other fragrant food. The menu is reminiscent of Urvesh’s childhood, having learned the stories behind precious recipes his mother and grandmother would cook growing up.

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What is the cost of dining at Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market?

We have categorised Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

What kind of food is served at Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market?

We have categorised the cuisine at Gujarati Rasoi as:

  • Indian
  • Spicy

Does Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Gujarati Rasoi.

Can I order takeaway from Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market?

Yes, you can order food to go from Gujarati Rasoi.

Where is Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market?

Gujarati Rasoi Borough Market is located at Borough Market Kitchen, SE1, Southwark. Nearby is London Bridge, London. Nearest Underground station is London Bridge (approximately 250m away).