Ci Tua Osteria Romana

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Italian restaurant
Ci Tua
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Try out the traditional flavours of Rome at Ci Tua Osteria Romana. Behind the red exterior, the simple dining space feels traditional with red and white checked tablecloths and light beaming in. Classic dishes are on the menu starting with calamari and polpette before moving on to Roman-style pizzas and pasta dishes like cacio e pepe and carbonara. Cocktails and Italian wines are available too.

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What kind of food is served at Ci Tua Osteria Romana?

We have categorised the cuisine at Ci Tua as:

  • Italian
  • Pizza
  • Vegetarian
  • Pasta

What is the cost of dining at Ci Tua Osteria Romana?

We have categorised Ci Tua Osteria Romana in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

Does Ci Tua Osteria Romana offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Ci Tua Osteria Romana has vegetarian dishes on their menu.

What is the atmosphere like at Ci Tua Osteria Romana?

We would categorise the atmosphere at Ci Tua Osteria Romana as cosy.

Can I order takeaway from Ci Tua Osteria Romana?

Yes, you can order food to go from Ci Tua.

Where is Ci Tua Osteria Romana?

Ci Tua Osteria Romana is located at 140 Portobello Rd, W11 2DZ, Notting Hill. Nearby is Portobello Rd, London. Nearest Underground station is Ladbroke Grove (approximately 450m away).