Chill Since '93 Covent Garden

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Pizza place
Chill Since '93
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Low-key and cool pizza spot Chill Since '93 began life in LA and has now made its way to London. The space is clean and contemporary, with a chilled playlist on the speakers. It's a family-friendly spot serving a simple menu of pizza slices, sandwiches, and cookies. If you're looking for a casual meal in Covent Garden then this vibrant venue is worth looking at.

1 Catherine S.

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1 Catherine S.

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What kind of food is served at Chill Since '93 Covent Garden?

We have categorised the cuisine at Chill Since '93 as:

  • Pizza
  • Vegetarian

What is the cost of dining at Chill Since '93 Covent Garden?

We have categorised Chill Since '93 Covent Garden in the price range Budget (£).

Does Chill Since '93 Covent Garden offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Chill Since '93 Covent Garden has vegetarian dishes on their menu.

Does Chill Since '93 Covent Garden serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Chill Since '93.

Can I order takeaway from Chill Since '93 Covent Garden?

Yes, you can order food to go from Chill Since '93.

Where is Chill Since '93 Covent Garden?

Chill Since '93 Covent Garden is located at 10 New Row, WC2N 4LH, Covent Garden. Nearby is Covent Garden, London. Nearest Underground station is Leicester Square (approximately 50m away).