Venchi Chocolate & Gelato Soho

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Chocolate shop
Venchi Chocolate & Gelato
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Venchi was established in Turin in 1878 by chocolatier Silviano Venchi and has been crafting decadent chocolate treats ever since. They make some of the most indulgent hot chocolate in the city along with an impressive assortment of sweet treats, like nougatine (dark chocolate bound with caramelised sugar and scattered with chopped Piedmont hazelnuts and smooth spreads like pistachio cream.

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Where is Venchi Chocolate & Gelato Soho?

Venchi Chocolate & Gelato Soho is located at 143 Wardour St, W1F 8WA, Soho. Nearby is Piccadilly Circus, London. Nearest Underground station is Oxford Circus (approximately 400m away).