Start planning now for National Sickie Day

You might think Valentine's Day is the big day to get ready for in February, but that's not the only special occasion in the calendar. 5th February is National Sickie Day, where you're encouraged to call in and make a day of it. If you're wondering about how to make the most of this bonus day off, we've got some fun ideas – we won't tell your boss what you're up to if you don't tell ours.

Having a hangover is probably the most common reason for pulling a sickie, so if you enjoyed yourself a bit too much the night before you're going to need something to help. Once you've got off the phone to your manager, pop along to a greasy spoon for some tasty hangover fuel. We've put together a guide to the city's best greasy spoons to help you find the ideal breakfast destination.

If you aren't starting 5th February with a banging headache (or if you'd rather go down the hair of the dog route), why not head over to the pub when you're skiving work? London is home to a vast variety of pubs catering to every preference, from humble local boozers to refined gastropubs. We've put together some of the best venues in our guide to pubs in London – take a look and decide which one you want to visit first.

Lunch on a working day might mean a sad sandwich al desko but you can do better than that when you're pulling a sickie. Have a look at our guide to the best places for lunch in London and treat yourself to something special. If you fancy walking it off with a leisurely stroll afterwards, our guides to London's best parks, gardens, and walking routes will help you decide where to go.

Perhaps you're feeling a bit smug about your extra day off and want to celebrate the fact. If that's the case, why not head to one of London's viewing platforms to look down at your long-suffering colleagues in the office? Horizon 22 is the highest free viewing platform in all of Europe, so it gives you the best chance of being able to spot your workplace. Jump in the lift up to the 58th floor, find your office in the cityscape, and take a moment to feel proud of yourself and your ingenuity.

Some of you might want to be a bit more subtle when you skive. The first rule of pulling a sickie is that you don't get caught, and there's no way they can see you if you leave the city altogether. The guide to day trips from London will give you some ideas for fun places to visit outside of the capital where you can lay low until the working day is over.

Finally, a sickie is much more fun if you're with someone else. Convince your partner to call in sick too and find something enjoyable to do together. Our guide to activities for couples is full of great things that you can do together. Now get planning, enjoy your bonus day off, and if anyone asks, we had no part in any of this!