London is officially ranked (again) as the best city in the world

In news that came as no surprise to any of us, consultancy group Resonance has ranked London as the world's best city for the eighth year in a row. This list, compiled each year by the group, explores the 100 best cities in the world to live in and London was placed in the top spot ahead of much-loved destinations like Paris, New York, Dubai, and Tokyo.

The list for this year was a little different and London has a partner at the top. Kyiv was bestowed with the title of 'honorary best city in the world' in tribute to the Ukrainian capital's ongoing courage and resilience. Aside from Resonance's tribute to Kyiv, London was dubbed 'the capital of capitals', praising the city's post-pandemic recovery and navigation of a new post-Brexit landscape. Other points about the city that were celebrated were the restaurant scene, its investment potential, and the dignified mourning following the death of Queen Elizabeth II in September.

So now that you know that London is undoubtedly the greatest city to be in, why not explore it a little more? Our restaurant and lifestyle guides can help you to find thousands of fun things to do and places to visit all around the capital.