Here's how to turn that Blue Monday frown upside down

The third Monday in January is notorious for having been calculated as “the most depressing day of the year”. Regardless of whether you believe in Blue Monday or dismiss it as pseudoscience (let's be honest, every working Monday is generally pretty grim), we could all probably use a bit of cheer to help chase away the grey winter days. But don't worry, Thatsup London is on the case.

This year, Blue Monday falls on 15 January. Here's our list of some of the top things to do for a quick endorphin boost:

  • Get some primo cuddles at Lady Dinah's Cat Emporium or one of London's other cat cafés. As any pet owner will tell you, there's nothing quite like a hit of pure unadulterated affection to improve your mood.
This is Whiskers. Whiskers gets you.
  • Forget going to just a happy place, go to a happy planet. The recently-opened Bubble Planet invites you and your inner child to explore a playful, bubble-filled world, full of surreal and colourful spaces.
  • Speaking of unleashing your inner child – as the world's oldest toy shop, Hamleys has got through its share of Blue Mondays. Head over there to kidult the day away with all sorts of toys and gadgets.
The best part? You're an adult, so you can buy. Whatever. You. Want.
  • Blue Monday might be a gimmick, but the fact remains that lots of people struggle during this time of year. There are different ways you can help – you can support a charitable business, or you can take part in Samaritans' Brew Monday campaign, aimed at assisting people having a tough time. You can host a fundraiser or a simple get-together, or just invite someone you care about to share what's going on with them over a cuppa – here are a few places that brew a nice one. Plus, making others feel better is a sure-fire way to make yourself feel better too.
  • Curling up in front of a nice movie is a classic feel-good remedy, though we might recommend staying away from artsy existentialist releases on this particular day. Mile End's Genesis Cinema is showing an early-afternoon screening of “Wonka”, which sounds like just the thing. If that's not your jam, you'll find more cinemas here.
  • Stuffing your face with food might not come with a doctor's recommendation, and yes, yes, New Year's resolutions and all that. Unlike Blue Monday, however, there's actual scientific evidence that food can make you happier, so we say stuff away. If it's comfort food you're after, here are our top picks, while our guide to London's most indulgent desserts provides the perfect finisher to knock out those pesky blues.
  • Continuing with scientifically-proven remedies, a nice workout gets the dopamine flowing – fact. It's time to make good on the promise to yourself and sign up at one of London's top gyms. It'll even help counteract the previous suggestion!
  • Finally, if you're low on time or money, have a quick, free boogie to New Order's immortal banger “Blue Monday”. It's a classic for a reason.