Explore the untold stories of the Black British fashion in this Somerset House exhibition

The Somerset House arts centre presents "The Missing Thread", an exhibition exploring the journey and influence of Black British fashion from the 1970s till today, curated by the Black Orientated Legacy Development Agency. 

Held from late September to early January, “The Missing Thread” delves into how Black style has been shaped by cultural, political, and socio-economic contexts of the 20th and 21st centuries and its subsequent influence on mainstream fashion. The exhibition acknowledges and celebrates the immense yet often unrecognized contribution of Black creatives, many of whom faced barriers in the fashion industry. Beyond just fashion, it showcases Black influence through various mediums like music, art, and design, and is organised around four themes: home, tailoring, performance, and nightlife, highlighting the broader socio-political environment. 

“The Missing Thread” is on at Somerset House from 21 September to 7 January. Find out more here.