Dive into Marina Abramović's legendary career with this major exhibition

The Royal Academy of Arts is hosting a retrospective exhibition highlighting the pioneering work of iconic performance artist Marina Abramović.

Throughout a career spanning more than 50 years, Serbian conceptual and performance artist Marina Abramović has broken new artistic ground, stunning audiences around the world with her transformative live performances. Iconic works such as “The Artist Is Present”, “Rhythm 0”, and “The House with the Ocean View” have pushed the artist to the limits of her endurance and blurred the lines between art and artist, private and public, audience and author, in the process establishing Abramović as one of the greatest artists of her time.

Now, the Royal Academy of Arts is offering visitors the chance to learn about Abramović and experience some of her most famous works in a retrospective exhibition, simply titled “Marina Abramović”. The major exhibition highlights key moments from the artists career through a variety of media, including sculpture, video, installation, and performance art. Some of the works have been recreated through archival footage, while others will be reperformed by the next generation of artists trained in the Abramović method. The nature of the performances and the changing schedule also ensures that no two visits to the exhibition are the same.

“Marina Abramović” is on at the Royal Academy of Arts until 1 January 2024. Find out more here.