Camp it up at the Vagina Museum's queer improv night

Camp it up at the Vagina Museum's queer improv night

This Saturday, head to the recently opened Vagina Museum in East London for Summer Camp, where London's finest queer improvisers deliver a comedy extravaganza you'll never forget. 

Enjoy an evening filled with fresh content from a special queer guest, an engaging Q+A session, and a plethora of side-splitting improv performances by Summer Camp. The talented queer entertainers, known for their appearances at events and venues like Vault Festival, Battersea Arts Centre, and 21Soho, are hosting a night of laughs and improvisation at "the world's first bricks and mortar museum dedicated to the gynaecological anatomy".

Summer Camp at the Vagina Museum takes place on Saturday 6 April. Tickets cost £5 and can be booked here.

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  • Date
    6 Apr
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