Review of Fågelbro Golf & Country Club – by Adam L.

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My home Club Fågelbro offers a great golfing experience. The track itself is well maintained and offers a varied approach with both open holes with water and a little narrower skogsvarianter. Overall it is a fairly narrow and difficult course and most courts seem easy in comparison, especially for people like me who have a tendency to spread the rash. If you look at the plant itself, it is probably just Brohof and any path to that comes close. The fabulous restaurant from Bockholmen group is of course the most essential, but the tennis courts, the swimming pool area, half way house, butternut squash, shop, puttingområdena, driving range, port and everything else lifts the whole experience. Fågelbro has always been fine, but the last lift, we thank Stefan Persson, who bought the Club a few years ago.