Review of Duck & Crab – by Adam L.

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After a nice dinner at Duck & Crab, I can easily say that it occurred and hit my relatively high expectations. Probably the smallest restaurant I've eaten at. Two long tables, about 14 sites. Similar to Speceriet, but even less.

We got top service through and through. And the food was amazing. We started with a bunch of oysters. Then we took a "toast frutti di mare", which got a pair of seafood (king crab, lobster, Fried oysters and prawns) to put together your own toast. Awesome bread and insanely good mayonnaise. Almost think it was the highlight of the evening.

For the main course we took a ankrätt and a hummerpasta. The duck was perfectly fried and served with Bacon, hummerbearnaise and those green cabbage (not sure what it's called). Incredibly good. In hummerbearnaisen was a large piece of hummerstjärt. Overall, it was very generous with the seafood, never had so much lobster in a paste (which was also very good).

The grade is difficult to turn, it's really verging on full pot, but because it was the first visit may it suffice with a strong four until further notice!