Reviews of Estelle

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1. Did not enter even though we did all that the guards told us to do.
2. Persons who were issued was not allowed to go and pick up their stuff was left in the closet.
3. A mates went out to take fresh air, did not come back after. He was not allowed to pick up their stuff either.
4. The...

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Got a sickening attitude of entrance host who took the liberty of commenting to my outfit made him Randy and that it was best for me that I covered myself with my coat. Incredibly demeaning and totally unacceptable. Really obnoxious women.

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Do you want a club that is inferior to the Marquise, and who has a mood of sunkhaket level 22, then this is something for you. Excessive food guards, unreasonable unlovely staff in General. Ridiculous that this place even still is open. Estelle is simply the Stockholm bottom scratch when it comes to...

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The worst response I ever got of of a guards who had given themselves the hell that I and my friends would not get in even though we was relatively sober and many more was 10 times worse than what we were. Don't know if the guard has something less-valued complex or what was his problem, but de...

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Had several lovely evenings at Estelle! Personally find it very conveniently with the Club and cocktail-bar in the same concept. Good guests, in General, also, good atmosphere.

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Really great place! The staff were wonderful, soft drinks af!

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Good atmosphere and friendly audience, met many new wonderful friends at Estelle, right nice o hang in their cocktail bar as well.

Loved Estelle. Fun, lively atmosphere, nice bartenders, and great people come to dance! Very much recommend for a night out. Don't go right at opening if you want to get in for free

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Good drinks and friendly staff!

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Great place and staff! Highly recommended

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Really soft and nice atmosphere, nice with something new and fresh in town!


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Fucking shit place, the guards are looking for every opportunity they can to throw out people. The guards have no respect to the guests either.

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Disaster food on Doterns student record, incredibly crowded at the tables, with paper tablecloths and with food that a five had cooked better, the tickets still cost 450 kr, talk about the students ' and its parents are being exploited!

Väktare övervåld tog strypgräpp o började hetsa som värsta pundaren, få inte ut i rökrutan om du Inte vill bli utslängd.
Värsta stället någonsin

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How beautiful place any time, quiet staff that you can actually talk to! Understand clearly how to build regulars! We'll be back =)

Oerhört otrevliga vakter som var mycket aggressiva mot ungdomarna på dotterns studentskiva. Dessutom var maten oätlig.

fett grymt stalle!

Worst club I've ever been to in my whole life.. waited two hours even though we had bought tickets in advance, only two toilet cabins in the whole club, you had to pay for the garderobe even if you didn't want to leave your jacket there, very overpriced in general. Would never go there aga...

Great place, we enjoyed our night very much!

Var hemma i Sverige en svang och hade riktig kul har med mitt sallskap! kan inte annat an saga att de maste fixat till de tidigare problemen da jag inte markte alls av jobbiga vakter. tvartom var det hur kul som helst och jag och hela mitt sallskap hade varldens kvall! Stort plus for djn ocksa som v...