Review of Burnells Bar – by Mark W.

A bit costly due to convenience, but a bad experience, as staff purposely belittle and make customers uncomfortable if they don't give a big tip on their new smart tablet payment system. Huddling together after you pay, whispering and showing the result whilst collectively peering at you! Saw them do it to others during my visit. Probably as bullying gets them a higher tip, if the customer dares to get a second drink and maybe fun for them, even if you don't ever visit again. I wanted another drink, but didn't bother and won't again! It is a practice that is increasingly rife in the USA apparently, tips as much as 40% are being pushed by this iPad system as servers sometimes stand over you watching your choice. Even in 'self service' scenarios there now so the media suggests or when buying 'off the shelf' items such as a Laptop!
A casually dressed possible 'Manager Type', flitted around this bar at the time... but they were more interested in how the site looked than making eye contact with customers, so didn't bother them, but could be wrong on their status or whether they would be bothered, by the new 'norm'!