Reviews of The Liffey

Dear The Liffey,

I had very good experiences, good food, drinks and entertainment with you.
I am sorry you have degraded yourself to the level of bad pubs in Sthlm.
You throw out normal people having a beer, not drunker than anyone else, without any explanation. Just because you...

Väldigt otrevlig personal, utan någon anledning när vi skulle gå in fick vakten något mindervärdeskomplex och bestämmde sig för att inte släppa in oss. Jag rekommenderar att ni anställer folk som vet vad de gör.

I objected after receiving the 200 gr steak I ordered, because a generous guess would be that it was half of that. I've had my fair share of dodgy restaurateurs, but I have never before (and probably will never again) see such shameless audacity. I have also had my fair share of steaks, and th...