Sabis Råsunda

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Lunch restaurant
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Sabis Råsunda is one of 27 restaurants, 12 cafés, five hotels and five food stores, all specialising in providing excellent culinary and events experiences. Sabis is a Stockholm-based family business with a history of quality and service going back to 1874. Their Råsunda restaurant serves an organic lunch menu, with a choice of different dishes every day.

There's always a vegetarian, fish and meat option - as well as a salad of the day. The price of lunch includes a fresh salad buffet, homemade bread and butter, as well as coffee or tea, all served in light, leafy modern surroundings. The kitchen focuses on seasonal, locally-produced ingredients and they're extremely proud of their organic certification. Sabis Råsunda is a short walk from Solna Centrum and the metro station.

1 My J.

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1 My J.

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What kind of food is served at Sabis Råsunda?

We have categorised the cuisine at Sabis as:

  • Swedish
  • European

What is the cost of dining at Sabis Råsunda?

We have categorised Sabis Råsunda in the price range Lower mid-range (££).

Does Sabis Råsunda serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Sabis.

Where is Sabis Råsunda?

Sabis Råsunda is located at Garvis Carlssons Gata 9, 169 51, Solna. Nearest subway is Solna Centrum (approximately 150m away).