Reviews of Ekstedt

En av de absolut bästa restauranger jag varit på. De satte varenda rätt både i smak och presentation. Servicen var heeeelt fantastisk och stämningen i lokalen var levande, men inte stökig. De borde ha 2 stjärnor.


Uppdatering för besök 221216: Detta är en restaurang som jag återkommer till. Älskar att boka in ett besök här under vintern när det är som kallast ute. Den öppna elden som är hjärtat av restaurangen osar lugn och ro. Servicen var äve...

Listed in: Favoriter

Jag ger sällan ut femmor. Men Ekstedt är verkligen värd detta.

I en alldeles lagom stor lokal. Där en kunde känna att vi fick vårt ”privata” space samtidigt som det var många andra där.
Här serverades matkonst på mycket h...

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The setting inside the restaurant is warm and inviting with fire and candlelight.
Even the toilets that were nothing special in themselves but where they still put some energy into good soap and hand cream and small super soft disposable towels. Be a delight.

We ate a 7 course tasting...

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One of the city's best restaurants all categories. Excellent service. The food in a very own division. Chefs table is highly recommended!

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The environment was cozy with wooden details and open fires.
We took 6-dishes and got some surprises in addition to this that made it a little extra.
Very nice to get a tour of the kitchen and meet the talented chefs. I would like to add very nice.
We thought that most of the rights we...

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It is no secret that Ekstedts cooks virtually all their food on open fire.
However, it is a taste of a treasure to experience their talented way of combining flavors and how they complement their cooking by experiment with the burning of Tex. Hay, twigs from a currant bush or different woods, i...


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One of my favorites. Few places have impressed so that E.s.. The food is really good. Each time, the new taste experiences. I have been with people who have been very skeptical about the fine dining but that has gone away, "saved" and with a new insight and approach to food. Very reasonabl...