Reviews of Bullandö Krog

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It is absolutely amazing

Bästa krogen i skärgårn!


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The food is not a fima but EVERYTHING else is.
Taking the boat out to Bullandö on a summer evening is the definition of life (although it is based on the availability of a boat).
But Bullandö works for everything, Spantana dinners, a lunch in the sun or just a beer on the jetty. Th...

Varit där i flera år! Toppklass!!

Grym skärgårdskrog. Meny med eftertanke. Delar av menyn roterar konmbinerat med klassiker. Skärgårdsgrytan, som är en variant på Bouillabasse är grym. Husmanskost i både klassisk och modern tappning. Bra dryckeslista. Definitivt värt ett besök.

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As a frequent traveller, I can only say that it is absolutely wonderful staff (!) that thrives on its job = good service even if it may take a bit of time sometimes under högssäong. Wonderful environment and always well prepared since Magnus and Fatima took over the pub for many years ago.