Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays

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Vietnamese restaurant
Banh Mi Bay
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Fans of Vietnamese banh mi sandwiches can't miss out on Banh Mi Bay. This casual dining restaurant group has a number of locations. In Surrey Quays you'll find an easygoing counter service spot that's great for any time of day. Office deliveries and catering are available too. Try a crunchy baguette loaded with ingredients or try pho, bún noodle salads, or stir fries. 

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What kind of food is served at Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays?

We have categorised the cuisine at Banh Mi Bay as:

  • Vegetarian
  • Spicy
  • Vietnamese
  • Vegan

What is the cost of dining at Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays?

We have categorised Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays in the price range Budget (£).

Does Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays offer vegetarian options?

Yes, Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays has vegetarian dishes on their menu.

Does Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Banh Mi Bay.

Does Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays have vegan dishes?

Yes, Banh Mi Bay has vegan options on their menu.

Where is Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays?

Banh Mi Bay Surrey Quays is located at Unit 45A, Surrey Quays Shopping Centre, SE16 7LL. Nearby is Canada Water, London. Nearest Underground station is Canada Water (approximately 250m away).