Zabludowicz Collection to permanently close in December

Avant garde contemporary art museum Zabludowicz Collection has announced that it will permanently shut the doors of its London gallery. The museum has been open in North London for 16 years but will be closing the space on 17th December when its current exhibition finishes. 

The collection also holds a project space in New York and a permanent museum on the island of Sarvisalo in Finland. These spaces will remain open to the public. The London space is arguably the best-known of Zabludowicz Collection's sites. Founders Anita and Poju Zabludowicz have stated that widespread changes in gallery programming to become more inclusive of artists in the early stages of their career have caused them to reflect on the collection's purpose. Instead of developing shows in London, Zabludowicz Collection will focus on loaning work and increasing its digital presence. The gallery has also stressed that the closure is unrelated to boycotts and protests that have taken place in Finland. 

Since opening, this labyrinth-like space has staged progressive exhibitions and events, and hosted professional development programmes for artists. There's still time to catch the final show in the space, an exploration of subjecthood and objecthood entitled “All Crescendo, No Reward.” The show is on until 17th December, at which point the space will close.