Feast on Sara Shakeel's sparkling pop-up sculpture at NOW Gallery

Viral artist Sara Shakeel invites you to attend “The Great Supper”, a stunning 3D crystal piece of art displayed at NOW Gallery in Greenwich.

Pakistani artist Sara Shakeel is a renowned multidisciplinary artist with a million-strong Instagram following thanks to her stunning collages that render landscapes and portraits as alluringly sparkling works. She has collaborated with brands such as BMW and Evian, and has been featured in Harpers Bazaar, Forbes, and Vogue, among others. Recently, Shakeel has expanded from the digital to the 3D realm, and it is one of the latter works that is on display at NOW Gallery for a limited time.

Shakeel has transformed NOW Gallery into a 3D banquet. “The Great Supper”, as the piece is titled, brings together everyday objects in a still life scene that brings to mind an intimate family meal, dramatically saturated with the artist's trademark glass crystals. According to the artist, the work invites visitors to observe the ephemerality of life's simple pleasures.

The free-to-view exhibition will be displayed at NOW Gallery until 16 October. Book your ticket here.