Don't be shy – it's the No Trousers Tube Ride

If you were lucky enough to get some new undies for Christmas then now is the perfect time to show them off. On 7th January, London's legendary No Trousers Tube Ride is back. The 11th annual event is taking place and everyone is welcome to join in the fun – as long as you're not wearing any trousers. 

Participants will meet at 2.45pm in Newport Place in Chinatown before ripping off those trousers and heading to the tube station at 3pm. From there, the group will just ride around for a bit whilst acting like everything is completely normal. The goal is to make unsuspecting tourists and others who aren't in the know believe that masses of Londoners simply forgot their bottoms that day. That being said, the organisers advise participants to keep their choice of undies low-key to make things appear as normal as possible. 

The event is free to join. For more details, check out the official event page on Facebook.