Kebaberia Centralen

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Kebab shop
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Kebaberia Centralen is a restaurant on Göteborg Centralstation, Centrum/Gullbergsvass in Gothenburg.

På Kebaberia hittar du kebab, falafel och sallader och något kallt att fukta strupen med, såsom en öl. Hinner du inte sitta kvar i den urbana omgivningen går det bra att ta med maten vidare på resan eller ut på stan.

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What is the cost of dining at Kebaberia Centralen?

We have categorised Kebaberia Centralen in the price range Budget (£).

What kind of food is served at Kebaberia Centralen?

We have categorised the cuisine at Kebaberia as:

  • Fast food
  • Vegan
  • Falafel
  • Kebab
  • Salads

Does Kebaberia Centralen have vegan dishes?

Yes, Kebaberia has vegan options on their menu.

Can I order takeaway from Kebaberia Centralen?

Yes, you can order food to go from Kebaberia.

Does Kebaberia Centralen serve lunch?

Yes, you can have lunch at Kebaberia.

Where is Kebaberia Centralen?

Kebaberia Centralen is located at Göteborg Centralstation, 411 04, Centrum, Gullbergsvass. Nearby is Centralstation.